VOIPPros Affiliate Program Terms
Search Engine Restrictions
VOIPPROS runs its own PPC campaigns. As a result, we do not allow affiliates to bid on keywords containing VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE trademarked terms or keywords that resemble VOIPPROS terms. These keywords include (but are not limited to): VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS VoIP, VOIPPROS fax, VOIPProsfax, VOIP-Pros.com or www.VOIP-Pros.com. We also do not allow our affiliates to use the keywords mentioned above as part of “long tail” keywords e.g., VOIPPROS business VoIP, VOIPPROS Business fax, VoIP fax VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS coupons, VOIPPROS promotions. In order to meet our Program Terms and Conditions, you must include the following terms as negative broad match keywords: VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS fax, VOIPPROS VoIP, VOIPProsfax, VOIP-Pros.com, www.VOIP-Pros.com, us.VOIPPros.com or TELEPHASE. Non-compete SEM Bidding Keywords You must not display PPC adverts that appear in a higher position than those from VOIPPROS’s own PPC Campaigns. If advertisements placed by you outrank advertisements from a VOIPPROS campaign, you should immediately lower the CPC bid.
Prohibited SEM Display URL Content
Display URLs: You may not use any VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE domain (including but not limited to www.VOIP-Pros.com or VOIPPros.com or any VOIPPROS country-specific domain or sub-domain e.g., VOIPPros.co.uk or VOIPPros.fr, uk.VOIPPros.com, us.VOIPPros.com) as the display URL in a PPC advert. The use of a VOIPPROS trademark in the domain after .com is not to be used in any PPC advertising (e.g., www.domain.com/VOIP-Pros). Trademarks: Please do not use a domain name containing any VOIPPROS trademark. This includes domains that combine a VOIPPROS trademark with any combination of additional letters, numbers, words, phrases or other characters. This restriction includes domain names containing any misspelling or other variation of any VOIPPROS trademark which may be misleading. In addition, the use of VOIPPROS in the domain after .com is not to be used in any PPC advertising (e.g., www.domain.com/VOIPPros). Direct linking: Any advertisements should only ever link directly to your website, not re-direct to VOIPPros.com, and be represented solely as an affiliate of VOIPPros.com. Direct linking to VOIPPros.com is strictly forbidden.
Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content
Search Campaigns – Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content Trademarks: We ask that you do not use the trademarked terms VOIPPROS, VOIPPros.com, TELEPHASE, or keywords that resemble VOIPPROS terms (e.g., common misspellings or plural versions) in PPC advertisement copy, regardless of the originally searched for keyword. advertisement copy should not contain VOIPPROS trademarked terms or those that resemble VOIPPROS terms. These terms include (but are not limited to): VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS fax, VOIPPROS Inc., VOIPPROS VoIP, VOIPProsfax, VOIPPros.com, www.VOIPPros.com, uk.VOIPPros.com, us.VOIPPros.com. We also do not allow our affiliates to use the terms mentioned above as part of advert copy e.g., VOIPPROS fax store, VOIPPROS VoIP fax, VoIP fax VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS coupons, VOIPPROS promotions. Mimicking VOIPPROS: We kindly ask that you do not display advertisements imitating or mimicking VOIPPROS or suggesting that your ad is served by VOIPPROS in any way.
VOIPPROS runs their own PPC campaigns. As such, we do not work with PPC affiliates. You are, of course, still permitted to send traffic directly to your website, whilst adhering to VOIPPROS’s Terms and Conditions. Any advertisement should only ever link directly to your website, not re-direct to VOIPPros.com, and be represented solely as an affiliate of VOIPPros.com. Direct linking to VOIPPros.com is strictly forbidden.
Prohibited Website Domain Keywords
Display URLs: you may not use any VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE domain (including but not limited to www.VOIPPros.com or VOIPPros.com or any VOIPPROS country-specific domain or sub-domain e.g., VOIPPros.co.uk or VOIPPros.fr, uk.VOIPPros.com, us.VOIPPros.com) as the display URL in a PPC advert. The use of a VOIPPROS trademark in the domain after .com is not to be used in any PPC advertising (e.g., www.domain.com/VOIPPros). Trademarks: Please do not use a domain name containing any VOIPPROS trademark. This includes domains that combine a VOIPPROS trademark with any combination of additional letters, numbers, words, phrases or other characters. This restriction includes domain names containing any misspelling or other variation of any VOIPPROS trademark which may be misleading. In addition, the use of VOIPPROS in the domain after .com is not to be used in any PPC advertising (e.g., www.domain.com/VOIPPros). Direct linking: All advertisements should only ever link directly to your website, not redirect to VOIPPros.com, and be represented solely as an affiliate of VOIPPros.com. Direct linking to VOIPPros.com is strictly forbidden.
Prohibited Web Site URL Keywords
Display URLs: you may not use any VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE domain (including but not limited to www.VOIPPros.com or VOIPPros.com or any VOIPPROS country-specific domain or sub-domain e.g., VOIPPros.co.uk or VOIPPros.fr, uk.VOIPPros.com, us.VOIPPros.com) as the display URL in a PPC advert. The use of a VOIPPROS trademark in the domain after .com is not to be used in any PPC advertising (e.g., www.domain.com/VOIPPros). Trademarks: Please do not use a domain name containing any VOIPPROS trademark. This includes domains that combine a VOIPPROS trademark with any combination of additional letters, numbers, words, phrases or other characters. This restriction includes domain names containing any misspelling or other variation of any VOIPPROS trademark which may be misleading. In addition, the use of VOIPPROS in the domain after .com is not to be used in any PPC advertising (e.g., www.domain.com/VOIPPros). Direct linking: All adverts should only ever link directly to your website, not redirect to VOIPPros.com, and be represented solely as an affiliate of VOIPPros.com. Direct linking to VOIPPros.com is strictly forbidden.
Prohibited Website Content
Online Content: In order to work with VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE, your site(s) cannot be associated with any racist, overtly political, vulgar or sexual content that VOIPPROS deems offensive. You must remove all content deemed offensive by VOIPPROS within 24 hours of being notified by the VOIPPROS Affiliate Team. Social Media Sites: VOIPPROS is very active in various social media communities, and so we kindly ask that you do not create groups or specific web pages in social communities to promote VOIPPROS offers. We do not allow use of VOIPPros.com, the VOIPPROS trademark or misspellings of the name (nor other similar terms which may result in confusion), including but not limited to VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS Print, VOIPPROS Inc., VOIPPros.com, www.VOIPPros.com, on any social media or social networking tools or sites as a means to promote VOIPPROS offers, deals, coupons or promotions of any kind. PR Policy and Press Releases: Whilst VOIPPROS recognizes the importance of promoting your site and its affiliation with VOIPPROS to drive customers from your site to VOIPPros’s pages, we request that all affiliates do not mention VOIPPROS in press releases or written promotional materials without written consent from the VOIPPROS Affiliate Team.
Unacceptable Web Sites
Online Content: In order to work with VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE, your site(s) cannot be associated with any racist, overtly political, vulgar or sexual content that VOIPPROS deems offensive. You must remove all content deemed offensive by VOIPPROS within 24 hours of being notified by the VOIPPROS Affiliate Team. Social Media Sites: VOIPPROS is very active in various social media communities, and so we kindly ask that you do not create groups or specific web pages in social communities to promote VOIPPROS offers. We do not allow use of VOIPPros.com, the VOIPPROS trademark or misspellings of the name (nor other similar terms which may result in confusion), including but not limited to VOIPPROS, VOIPPROS fax, VOIPPROS Inc., VOIPPROS VoIP, VOIPPros.com, www.VOIPPros.com, on any social media or social networking tools or sites as a means to promote VOIPPROS offers, deals, coupons or promotions of any kind. PR Policy and Press Releases: Whilst VOIPPROS recognizes the importance of promoting your site and its affiliation with VOIPPROS to drive customers from your site to VOIPPros.com, we request that all affiliates do not mention VOIPPROS in press releases or written promotional materials without written consent from the VOIPPROS Affiliate Team.
Use of Logos and Trademarks in Web sites
The VOIPPROS logo and VOIPPROS or TELEPHASE owned images cannot be altered or changed. If you require a certain logo or image size that is not available inside our affiliate portal, please reach out to VOIPPROS directly by emailing afiiliates@VOIPPros.com. PR Policy and Press Releases: Whilst VOIPPROS recognizes the importance of promoting your site and its affiliation with VOIPPROS to drive customers from your site to VOIPPros.com, we request that all affiliates do not mention VOIPPROS in press releases or written promotional materials without written consent from the VOIPPROS Affiliate Team.
Non-Commissionable Items
A Non-Commissionable VoIP Lead: 1. Does not have a US-based business excluding the states of Alaska or Hawaii 2. Does not have an active internet connection (T-1, not wi-fi, clear of satellite, DSL, Cable, Fiber) 3. Is not actively looking to have VoIP Service installed A sale will be considered non-commissionable if the account does not remain active for at least 60 days after the initial sign up. Affiliates will not be paid for sales with accounts that cancel within 60 days from the sign-up date.
Updated: 01/2021